Apache Tuscany Brasil

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Webinar sobre Apache Tuscany

Para os interessados em aprendeer mais sobre Apache Tuscany, estaremos oferencendo um Webinar no dia 8 de Novembro às 8 AM PST, 12:00 horário de Brasília (se nao comecar o horário de verão.) Para maiores informações, veja o anúncio original do Webinar.

*Apache **Tuscany**: Not the Same Old Architecture*

Do you think of the popular term SOA as the "Same Old Architecture" concept?
The Apache Tuscany Project moves SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) beyond
buzzwords and vague arm-waving into reality. The project aims to create a
next-generation services infrastructure in open source based on the
principles behind the Service Component Architecture (SCA). With
Apache Tuscany,
application developers will be able to create, assemble, and deploy service
networks in ways that are not easily done or possible with existing

This webinar will provide an overview of how Apache Tuscany simplifies the
task of creating and assembling service-based applications using SCA. It
will also cover where the Tuscany project is headed and how it will help
developers build tomorrow's applications today.

Speakers: Jeremy Boynes and Jim Marino


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