Apache Tuscany Brasil

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Apache Tuscany SCA Java 1.4 Released

Veja abaixo o anuncio official da release 1.4 do Apache Tuscany SCA Java.

The Apache Tuscany team are pleased to announce the 1.4 release of the Java SCA project.

Apache Tuscany provides a runtime environment based on the Service Component Architecture (SCA). SCA is a set of specifications aimed at simplifying SOA application development. These specifications are being standardized by OASIS as part of the Open Composite Services Architecture (Open CSA).

The Tuscany SCA Java 1.4 release adds various improvements including:

* Support for Spring version 2.5.5
* Support for Implementation Policies and SCA Annotations for Spring beans
* Support for Axis2 version 1.4.1
* Support for Axis2 MTOM message optimization
* Support for Aspect Oriented Tracing
* Support for SCA callbacks with JMS binding
* Support for @requestConnection / @responseConnection with JMS binding
* Improved user guide documentation
* A new Corba Binding (GSoC) Extension
* A new GData Binding (GSoC) Extension
* Tuscany Eclipse Plugins enhancements to be compatible with new Eclipse Ganymede release
* Improved simple-bigbank-spring samples to demonstrate various SCA bindings with Spring

and numerous bug fixes. see the RELEASE_NOTES and CHANGES file for details, and to download the distributions please go to:


To find out more about OASIS Open CSA go to:


Apache Tuscany welcomes your help. Any contribution, including code, testing, contributions to the documentation, or bug reporting is always appreciated. For more information on how to get involved in Apache Tuscany visit the website at:


Thank you for your interest in Apache Tuscany!

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  • Olá Luciano, tudo bem?

    Sou aluno de doutorado da UFPE e estou pesquisando composição dinâmica de serviços baseada em requisitos não-funcionais. Neste contexto me interessei por OSGi e pelo mecanismo de Policies do SCA. Vi, contudo, que os componentes que formam aplicações em SCA são ligados durante o assembly ou deployment da aplicação, mas não vi como tornar estas ligações dinâmicas em tempo de execução. Você saberia me dizer se isto é possível em SCA? Teria alguma referência para indicar? Desde já te agradeço muito.


    Fábio Nogueira

    By Blogger Unknown, at 8:34 AM  

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